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A club dedicated to learning how to knit and crochet - 2017/2018

Planning Form

Supervisor Statement

reflection 1 - semester 1 2017

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

So far, i have been able to learn the basic crochet skills such as how to start the beginning stitches to make a crocheted square. I am currently working on crocheting more squares that i can use for my service. This activity will help inform my future CAS activities, through the application of skills learned through crocheting. Learning a new skill is definitely difficult but through practice, detailed analysis and perseverance, you are able to achieve something that you may not have realised that you were capable of doing. 



LO4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I initially struggled with trying to start off crocheting as it was a new concept that i had never been exposed to before, therefore i needed to learn everything from scratch. I was able to gather a good basic understanding of how to crotchet through the guidance and instruction of teachers and peers, as well as from watching online tutorials on Youtube which definitely helped in explaining in detail, how to crochet step by step. I have learnt that crocheting definitely tests your patience as it requires time, consistency and concentration. These techniques were able to be applied to my studying and allowed me to see the links between crocheting and study, one of which was slowly taking your time to perfect something.

Crocheting - Part 1

Crocheting - Part 1

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Crocheting - Part 2

Crocheting - Part 2

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reflection 2 - semester 2 2017

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

After a few terms of crocheting, i have been able to heighten my skills in both pace and difficultly. I have have realised that once you get into the rhythm and flow of crocheting, it becomes such easier to concentrate on each loop that is being formed. This also helps to keep a quick, consistent pace that will allow the desired shape to be completed in due time.This activity will aid in future activities that require a copious amount of concentration, especially attention to detail. 


LO4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

As crocheting takes time and concentration, i found it hard to be consistently crocheting, once a week or once every two weeks. On top of studying, homework and extra curricular activities, it was hard to maintain my goal of trying to complete a square, every month. I myself, have realised that while crocheting,  it takes my mind off of studying for a little while and helps me focus and concentrate on the more simple things in life. This allows me to take a step back at the larger frame of things and how the pieces all fit together in a puzzle.

reflection 3 - semester 1 2018

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

At the start, it was definitely hard to be consistently doing the same thing over and over again, but i feel like after i had gotten used to it, it became more of a habit and much easier to follow through. I have been able to learn that although it may take time to learn a new skill, bit by bit, you find yourself more engrossed in it and wanting to learn more. I felt that learning this from crocheting has allowed me to apply to how i go about my studies and my schoolwork.


LO4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

I have wanted to achieve the ability to be persistent and consistent with my work and by joining the crochet club, it has allowed me to have a sense of regularity and commitment. This activity will be able to inform my future CAS activities as it has shown me a persistency that even when there are rough times, taking your time and going through it slowly will help to achieve that end result, which makes you think back at how all that effort is worth it. 

reflection 4 - semester 2 2018

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

After a few terms of crocheting, i have been able to heighten my skills in both pace and difficultly. I have have realised that once you get into the rhythm and flow of crocheting, it becomes such easier to concentrate on each loop that is being formed. This also helps to keep a quick, consistent pace that will allow the desired shape to be completed in due time.This activity will aid in future activities that require a copious amount of concentration, especially attention to detail. 


LO4 Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

As crocheting takes time and concentration, i found it hard to be consistently crocheting, once a week or once every two weeks. On top of studying, homework and extra curricular activities, it was hard to maintain my goal of trying to complete a square, every month. I myself, have realised that while crocheting,  it takes my mind off of studying for a little while and helps me focus and concentrate on the more simple things in life. This allows me to take a step back at the larger frame of things and how the pieces all fit together in a puzzle.

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